Are you ready for another Vietnam?
I don’t know about you, but I’m very nervous about the White House’s announcement that we’re going to be sending in military support to the Syrian rebels now that the Bashar al-Assad regime has crossed the red line of attacking with chemical weapons. With Russia, Lebanon, and Iran supporting al-Assad, and US, UK, France, and Turkey supporting the rebels, aren’t we looking at another proxy war? Another Vietnam? World War III?
This is huge. Here we are on the cusp of getting pulled into
yet ANOTHER war in the Middle East, the impact of which will be deep and
wide. I bet the military-industrial-complex is salivating now. Some
might be saying that Obama has been dragging his feet, and it’s too little too
late, but I’m certainly okay that he’s taking his time to get it right.
The last time we rushed into a war it didn’t work out well, and
that’s putting it mildly. In reality, it was a disaster. I don’t
need to quantify the cost of blood and treasure we’ve lost in Iraq, for BOTH
the United States AND Iraq. I believe the count of casualties of Iraqi
civilians is well into the hundreds of thousands. But I’m very concerned
about the decision being made based on “intelligence”. That was the case
for going into Iraq as well, except the “intelligence” then was all
fabricated. At least this time, I have some trust and confidence that the
“intelligence” is reliable. This is not a decision that is made lightly
or abruptly. So here are my thoughts, as well as my advice to
President Obama.
Get the intelligence right. When we look back at this months and years from now, the
justification for entering into this war will be based on this. If you
got it wrong, you will fry.
Build the coalition. Not only do we need solid justification, but we’ll also
need a hell of a lot of partners in this venture. And, we’ll need them to
carry a huge portion of the load. Along these lines you’ll absolutely
have to get Putin and Russia on your side. If they don’t back off from
supporting and supplying al-Assad, then this will be disastrous – it will
escalate the existing civil/revolutionary war, and this conflict will drag on for years with
no chance of success.
Have an end game. Of course this was one of the biggest failures of the Bush
Administration. They had no end game because they wanted no end
game. As key members of the Military-Industrial-Complex, their objective
was always perpetual conflict. That’s what’s profitable. President
Obama, if there’s a perception that you’re looking to fuel the M-I-C, or trying
to pillage Syria’s oil, you’ll certainly lose support from the masses.
That leads me to my next point…
Clear communication. You have always been a master communicator and you’ll need
every bit of your skills and talents to ensure the messaging is on point.
Your decision is made reluctantly and your mission is about the protection of
the Syrian people. If we’re seen as greedy war-mongers, we’ll lose
support. But, if we’re seen as coming to the rescue, we’ll gain/increase
support from the Muslim world.
Organize the Syrian rebels. You’ll build a forceful case against the al-Assad regime,
but one thing that you’ll need to acknowledge, is that they’re organized.
After all, it’s a government – of course they’re organized by definition.
I’m not that convinced with respect to the Syrian rebels. Do we really
know who they are? Are there extremists who will turn around and use
these weapons against our interests? Our military aid should not be given
without strings. There should be clear & distinct rules &
expectations for all parties to abide by in order for this aid to go
through. When the rebels finally win this war, what will Syria look
like? How will they be governed? Will they abide by international
standards of human/equal rights?

There are many
considerations before we embark down this road. President Obama, I
believe you’ve always been a forward thinker. Please make sure you’ve
thought this thing through. A great deal of blood and treasure depends on